Prompta AI

Behnaz believes that “change” is an inevitable process for each business and organization. Therefore, she is passionate about helping people and organizations to perceive a “change” as an exciting journey!
Behnaz has years of experience in different aspects of change management and business transformation. As an expert, she prepares, equips, and supports individuals and organizations to successfully adopt a “change” to drive organizational success and outcomes. During her experience, she dealt with implementing various organizational change management program life-cycles and focused on developing solutions to diverse technical and intellectual problems during an organizational transition or transformation.
She is a creative problem-solver, and among her career highlights she dealt directly with “Agile Transformation” of SAP SE during which she has:

  • Spearheaded the development of leadership management approaches among cross teams to navigate and manage a period of transformation and hyper-change.
  • Optimized business processes involving 30 development teams through use of a strategic design process including fact-base development, issue identification, hypothesis development, assessment and selection.
  • Coached change sponsors and executive leaders on their change leader roles, potential risks and mitigating plans, and organizational readiness to implement transformational changes.
  • Supervised a diagnostic of leadership and learning processes to build self-organizing and adaptive teams, including more than 100 interviews with managers, leaders and team members on the organizational transition.
  • Identified the success indicators and metrics for change, and ensured they were regularly measured, reported on (e.g., change and organizational design alignment, employee readiness and engagement, etc.), and achieved.
  • Delivered network relationship improvements required for sustainable transformation outcomes.

Behnaz holds a PhD in Business, an MBA in IT Management, and BEng in Software Programming. She has proven analytical skills and research abilities, and an outstanding record of publications and presentations in accredited outlets and conferences.
She also works on “mindfulness at work” which she believes can enormously help employees accept, embrace, and go successfully through a change.
