Case Studies

Business Situation

A large hospital and regional health care provider with 6,000 employees was moving from outdated systems to a new enterprise information system (SAP) to manage Supply Chain, Finance, Master Data, and Reporting functions. The overarching program goals were to optimize and reduce administrative services and operating costs, improve access to services and reinvest in direct patient care. Specific objectives were to standardize and integrate processes, measure key business performance indicators, and automate controls.

The Solution

Prompta designed and implemented an end-to-end change management transformation strategy and implementation plans to ensure a smooth transition and maximum employee adoption. 

The program included:

empowerment through education to ensure leadership alignment and ongoing change sponsorship

all-employee town hall update sessions, 

8 facilitated process workshops documenting current and future state processes and completing gap analysis and impact assessments.

70 role-based instructor-led ‘new ways oof working’ sessions for both unionized and non-unionized employees. 

customized interactive web-based basic navigation courses 

creation of an extended change network of over 100 employees to assist at the ground level

an ongoing program dashboard to track employee readiness metrics.

Business Outcomes

The program was launched successfully with a workforce that was well prepared and ready to adopt the changes, including understanding of new roles, responsibilities, handoffs and support available through transition. The rollout approach was phased with monthly launches, which allowed for agile hands-on support, reinforcement, and measurement of proficiency. All performance metrics were achieved during a two-month post go-live adoption period before a planned next phase of the program launched the following year. 

Business Situation

An international Fortune 500 Financial Services company needed to address and manage risks related to access identity and controls, ensure compliance, reduce cost, simplify related processes, implement associated tools and technology for identity and access management across the enterprise.

Prompta’s Solution

Prompta developed and implemented a change management strategy which enabled strong executive sponsorship with active Prompta coaching and support. Prompta team members built trust by providing honest & accurate status updates, having hard conversations when needed, following a “no surprises” engagement model. We facilitated ongoing stakeholder engagement through the business area change champion network and we were the liaison between the program team and business. We launched an effective branding, marketing, and communications program, and we also developed and deployed LOB-specific customized delivery approaches (“one size does not fit all”).

Business Outcomes

Prompta’s implementation was extremely well-received by stakeholders, overall program business objectives were exceeded, and identity and access management risks were reduced. Our change management, stakeholder engagement and training approaches were recognized within the enterprise up to the Board as a “best practice” for successful organizational change management. Enterprise-wide attestation metrics went from 89% to 98% following the implementation. 

Business Situation:

A Regional Public Health & Research Institute, with over 4000 unionized and non-unionized staff members needed to update their HR, Payroll and Benefits, policies, procedures and informational systems.  A project was implemented that eventually went live and did not go well from a business readiness, acceptance, or business reliability perspective.

Some employee information including salaries, tenure, benefits and vacation was incorrect or missing. Also, people managers were not prepared to follow the new ways of working, systems functionality or address employee concerns.  Many employees did not know how to use the system or interpret its information. Most did not trust the payroll statement accuracy.

Prompta was brought in as outside change management experts to repair the damage and successfully transition the organization to the new systems and ways of working.


Prompta’s Solution

Our change management efforts focused on rebuilding trust including honest difficult conversations and an employee-facing action plan. The five key areas of support were stakeholder and employee engagement, effective communications, documentation and training, and vendor management. 

We onboarded and created a change management team, composed of two dedicated change management resources, documentation and training developer, communications support, internal HR subject matter experts and super users. 

Prompta provided foundational support, guidance and tools for project recovery which included addressing and resolving issues and tackling resistance to change. We provided assistance on prioritizing and managing issues, liaise with various departments to get implementation tickets addressed, communicated and closed. Other activities included process mapping, development of training and change management strategies for stakeholders across the organization, process changes, updated ways of working, and understanding of key systems capabilities.


Business Outcomes

The recovery engagement was successful. The workforce was regularly engaged, educated, supported, concerns and feedback were addressed, system issues were resolved. Employees at all levels were involved in the solution and the workforce began to embrace and ultimately utilize the new solution.  Targets were set and within six months achieved in the areas of accuracy of data, utilization, proficiency, training attendance, open issues and tickets and overall workforce engagement.

Oracle Transformation - 16% under budget

An Australia & New Zealand region of a global Consumer Packaged Goods company hired Prompta to support a sales team automation transformation to Oracle which included a new technology enabler for Trade Promotion Management.  


An Australia & New Zealand region of a global Consumer Packaged Goods company hired Prompta to support a sales team automation transformation to Oracle which included a new technology enabler for Trade Promotion Management.  


The Challenge 

This organizational division had a history of transformational failures. In the past several years they had two previous transformation launches that were so poorly managed that they made the local and national media and disrupted the culture and workplace. The leadership and employees believed that this new transformation would experience the same fate as similar tactics were initially considered for the implementation.   

The Solution

Prompta’s goals were twofold; educate and empower the leadership team to be effective change sponsors and ensure the entire management team was prepared for their role as change coaches to ensure overall buy-in and adoption. In addition, we engaged subject matter experts, super users and change champions from across the business to support the transformation. 

The Insights

Leveraging Prompta-AI we completed a comprehensive employee sentiment analysis across the region to assess change readiness and understand key themes that were contributing to organization resistance to change. Prior to our assessment, the global leadership team assumed the problem was lack of effective project management and invested heavily in that area. 

The Prompta-AI results provided a much clearer picture. The core problem was a lack of understanding at the executive and management team levels of their critical roles to bring the transformation vision to life and ensure the adoption of new ways of working. The past approach of outsourcing the transformation to a large integrator with no investment in change management and no engagement of the leadership and management teams, had twice resulted in transformation failure with massive budget overruns and failed employee adoption. Prompta’s insights and transformation expertise made the difference on this third attempt at major change. 

The Results

The outcome was a transformation project that developed the business benefits, was delivered on time and 16% under budget, with the co-created functionality the business required and supported. Senior leaders ensured sustained support for the program while empowering their management and leadership teams to coach employees throughout the transformation. 

Prompta was proud to have supported this successful transformation. In addition to a seamless move to a new system, the organization was left with the change management skills and confidence to support future transformations.

Salesforce Transformation
Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Prompta helped a global Fortune 500 company transform their Trade Promotion Management system to Salesforce by leveraging the proprietary Prompta AI sentiment platform, change management, training, and action planning.  This resulted in enhanced operational efficiency, elevated employee engagement with the new system, and a cultural shift towards more consumer-oriented practices.

The Situation

A Global Fortune 500 company initiated a significant Trade Promotion Management (TPM) transformation in Latin America, adopting Salesforce TPM Cloud.


The Challenge 

This transition was more than a change in systems; it necessitated a comprehensive shift in the workforce’s mindsets, behaviors, roles, and accountabilities. The primary challenge was to ensure the transformation’s successful launch and sustainment while respecting the unique culture and operational nuances of the company’s Latin American business.


The Solution

Prompta provided expert change management services tailored to the company’s specific needs. This included delivering targeted training and action planning to align resources effectively with new digital technologies.

A pivotal element was Prompta AI’s role in conducting a thorough diagnostic to assess the current culture and leveraging global TPM tools, customized for the Latin American context. This approach focused on critical changes in mindsets and behaviors needed for embracing the new system.


The Results

Streamlined the promotion planning and execution process and reduce manual errors and payment duplication for a year-over-year savings of over $200K. 

Increased trade spend visibility which enabled data-driven decisions on promotion success and promotion ROI – enabling more funds to be allocated to more profitable promotions.  

Improved visibility increased overall customer satisfaction and retention – Prompta AI results pointed to 14% increase in overall customer satisfaction rating.

Merger Communications
Reduced Attrition Rate

Prompta supported two public utility companies during a merger by understanding employee anxiety and creating communications strategies to address. The result was a positive and smooth transition to the merged company with a significantly lower than expected attrition rate.

THE SITUATION: A merger between two public utility companies.


With any merger, employees on both sides are scared and anxious fearing change and possible loss of employment due to redundancy. There was a lack of trust that leadership communications were being transparent. Employees believed that expressing their concerns could make them a target of reductions.



Prompta was engaged to understand employee sentiment throughout the merger and assist the leadership team in communication strategies to address concerns. The metric for success of the program would be achieving the merged company’s employee retention targets.

To gain the trust of all employees early, Prompta began with communications that established us as a 3rd party company with robust information security governance standards in place to protect personal information. Team members were assured that no identifiable information would held in the Prompta AI tool.

The leadership team attributed employees’ anxiety and stress with job security. However, Prompta AI determined the lack of effective communication from both companies was the main factor of employee stress. Going a level deeper, Prompta AI was able to uncover that the employees at both companies were concerned about losing their company culture. Social events and a friendly atmosphere were both important aspects that many employees cherished and didn’t want to lose.

The insights from the employee sentiment work were used to create programs and shape decisions surrounding the company culture of the future.



The open and transparent process resulted in an attrition rate that was lower than the anticipated pre-merger target.

DEI at a Post Secondary Institution - Increased Engagement

Prompta helped a post secondary institution with a DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging) cultural change by increasing survey engagement rates, conducting executive training, and developing program plans. This resulted in the highest employee engagement survey rates ever achieved in the organization.


For this institution, funding relies on having a strong culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.  The client needed to ensure that they were meeting the needs of various stakeholders and communities.


Prompta was engaged to perform a DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) assessment and transition program.  This would be the foundation for sustainable cultural change.



Employees were not providing input and feedback on DEIB because they feared the information collected wouldn’t be held confidentially.  The topics involved in the program were extremely sensitive and require delicate management.



Prompta designed a current state audit as well as education & training that enabled the team to positively engage with the sensitive topics.


Current state audits were conducted via Prompta AI. To increase engagement, Prompta developed communications that highlighted the privacy and confidentiality of responses.  Although completion rates were initially low, the communications raised response rates over time.


The audits were complimented with training and education for the Board of Directors and Leadership teams. These training sessions covered bias, power & privilege, and unintentional exclusion.



Employees became more confident with the survey anonymity and confidentiality, and they started sharing their lived experience without fear or apprehension.  The engagement rate for the survey was the highest the client had ever achieved.

Culture at Hotspex
Achieved Top 50 Inspiring Workplaces

Prompta helped Hotspex transform company culture through strategic training and coaching services. With dedication over three years, this resulted in Hotspex achieving the #20 position on the Top 50 Inspiring Workplaces list in 2022.


To achieve their goal of becoming the world’s most innovative and impactful brand builders, Hotspex decided to focus on building a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace culture.  



Culture change doesn’t happen overnight. The Hotspex team needed to commit to a vision, stick with it even when things were difficult, and ensure other initiatives didn’t take over the priority of the project.



Prompta has been supporting Hotspex through its cultural change journey since 2019 providing consulting services, training, workshop facilitation, and coaching.  Along the way, we leveraged our proprietary Prompta AI platforms to complete a comprehensive assessment of the current culture at Hotspex, identified goals and objectives to be achieved, and developed tailored programs to support the change journey. Here are headlines of services provided:


Overall Training: Topics covered were related to addressing resistance, oppression, diversity, inclusion, equity, accessibility, power, privilege, and providing mental health education and training support. The training leveraged the 13 factors of psychological health and safety. All training and education sessions were engaging, collaborative, and interactive.


Diversity Training: Prompta developed and delivered learning sessions which included Anti-Black Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Jewish-Heritage, Latin American Heritage, Accessibility, Ramadan, Asian discrimination, mental health awareness, and reinforcement sessions.


Coaching:  Prompta coaches conducted leadership assessments, 360 reviews, team, and executive coaching programs. These sessions managed difficult conversations and provided trust-based consultation.  In addition, there was coaching support for recruitment, retention, and policies.



Integrating the training and coaching into the fiber of the Hotspex organization enabled team members to gain new perspectives over time that led to behavior change and improved organizational culture.



With the support provided by Prompta during their culture change journey, Hotspex was ranked #20 on the first-ever Top 50 Inspiring Workplaces Award for North America in June 2022.

Focus on Culture
Identified Priorities

Prompta helped a marketing agency focus DEI efforts by conducting a Prompta-AI employee sentiment survey that resulted in a comprehensive list of 39 themes. The client prioritized four themes to focus on for the year ahead.


An award-winning North American marketing agency with offices in Canada and the US wanted to develop a comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) framework to guide how the organization and its employees conduct business.



The DEI journey was historically an initiative within the HR department. The leadership team realized that a more comprehensive approach that engaged all employees through participation in initiative task teams and ongoing feedback.



Prompta create a customized Prompta AI employee engagement survey which was aligned with the Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB) to assess program maturity and identify priority areas of development.

The survey was powered by Prompta AI that employs natural language processing (NLP) to identify sentiment themes by area and cohort.  The survey was designed to narrow down keywords and phrases to know what the employees are feeling and thinking.

Thirty-nine themes were identified which included topics like DEI vision, leadership sponsorship, communication, and HR practices. Prompta conducted a leadership review to build awareness and understanding of the findings. The leadership team identified four priority areas of focus for the year ahead.



Four leader-sponsored task teams were created with employee volunteers. These teams developed action plans for DEI initiatives in their priority areas.

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