The Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is a name given to a condition where a person feels some anxiety and self-doubt...

International Women’s Day

International Women's Day is celebrated globally to recognize women’s and girls’ social, economic...

Multi-year Accessibility Plan for Ontario – What You Need to Know

The World Economic Forum stated “One of our greatest barriers to making progress when it comes to...

Transgender Day of Remembrance – November 20, 2022

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honours the memory...

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30

As said by former Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Chair, The Honorable Murray...

Neurodiversity is an asset in the Workplace

What is neurodiversity? Neurodiversity is the idea that all brains are diverse in how they work - no...

Understanding Microaggressions At Workplace

Micro-aggression describes daily behaviour (verbal or nonverbal) that communicates hostile or...

How Does the Future of Work Look?

It's no secret that the working environment has changed drastically over the last few decades. Look...

The Master Communicator Podcast Promta’s Founder and CEO, Tim Morton joins Stacy Mckibbin in her...

Technology Modernization & Cultural Readiness

Technology Modernization & Cultural Readiness Are you responsible for getting the best ROI from your...

Return to the Workplace: The Transition Back Starts Now

RETURN TO THE WORKPLACE: The Transition Back Starts Now “It takes less than a minute to get...

Leveraging the Power of Coaching & Change Management to Navigate Disruption – Social Justice

Leveraging the Power of Coaching & Change Management to Navigate Disruption Brought to you by...

“Change On The Run” – A Reference Manual for Change Leaders

One of my favourite lyrics of all time is in the song "Tom Sawyer" by the classic Canadian rock band...

Gender Pronouns: Are they a fad or here to stay?

Why does it matter? Are they just the latest flash-in-the-pan trend that everyone is going to forget...

Different Festivities for a Different Time!

Highlights from Prompta’s Virtual Holiday Team Get Together which featured a ‘Cook Along with...

Prompta AI – An Accelerator for Change Management

The Rapidly Changing Digital Landscape Accelerated by COVID-19, we’ve seen some significant...

Diversity is not Inclusion (Part 3)

Part 3 of a 7-Part Series It’s time for companies to really start to think about what diversity and...

Workplace bullying – During COVID-19, has anything changed?

 With fewer people in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic due to reductions of onsite...

Today’s Leadership Challenge

Pre-COVID, executives in the corporate world earned a reputation for being overly focused on...

Business Transition Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Unprecedented and full of uncertainty, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to adapt, change...

Planning Your Transition to the New Normal

In mid-March, as COVID-19 spread through our communities, the evolving situation meant you had to...

Leading your Remote Team: Video Meeting Etiquette – 10 Tips

With more teams working from home, it is timely to revisit your video meeting etiquette and agree as...

So Now Your Team is Working from Home… Five Best Practices for Coaching Remotely

With more employees working from home, leaders are needing to fine tune their virtual coaching...

Creating a Workplace Culture that Fosters Psychological Health and Safety

Improving Working Cultures and Working Lives Improving Work Cultures and Lives Prompta is made up of...

Mental Health in the Workplace – Addiction

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 30% of worker absenteeism cases are...

Succession Planning

Since the beginning of 2006, 7918 Baby Boomers reach the age of 60 every day in the United States...

Measuring Inclusion – 30-Minute Webinar

It's time to move beyond superficial, tick-the-box discussions around Diversity and Inclusion...

Data is the future of Change Management

Better insights = Better Transitions Prompta’s Tim Morton presented ‘Leveraging Data Through...

Ready For Change – Prompta Newsletter

Welcome from our Managing Partner Welcome to our first Prompta Newsletter! Prompta, in Latin...

Experimenting With New Gratitude Practices

By now, most of us have heard about the research supporting the many benefits of gratitude (see UC...

What is Change Management?

Change management: A structured, systematic process from a current state to a future state through a...

Change & Innovation By Design™

Program Description Change & Innovation By Design™ is a foundational course on Design Thinking...

Don’t Twist it Please! One Simple Reason Why Change Management is in Question

Years ago, I was sitting in one of my MBA classes, excited to hear what the lecturer was about to...

Prompta Participating in the First-Ever LGBTQ2 Business Trade Mission

Prompta proudly Canada’s 2018 LGBT+ Business Enterprise of the Year and 1st certified diverse...

2020 And Beyond: the Future of Supplier Diversity

Karen Ryan of Prompta, moderated an outstanding panel discussion titled  2020 And Beyond: the Future...

Implementing Diversity and Inclusion

A Roadmap to Success In August 2017, a software engineer at Google distributed a memo called...

The Power of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Companies undertaking a “transformation” are ubiquitous today. But when you look deeply into whether...

Diversity in the Workplace

Managing Partner of Prompta Consulting Group, Tim Morton, speaks with Kenneth Cheung, VP Growth...

How Your Change Agenda Can Drive Talent Attraction

Learn how change can be your biggest competitive advantage One of my best candidate interviews was...

The Business Case for Change: Moving from ‘What’ to ‘How’

​I have noticed a shift in how the benefits of a change initiative are being discussed. The...

6 Questions to Ask Before You Plan for Change

​Most people jump into planning for change without stepping back and assessing the environment in...

Investment Case for Change Management Support

The evidence is conclusive: excellent change management increases business outcomes of change...

Bringing Your Whole Self to Work

With so many workers now uncertain and fearful about the future, it’s more important than ever to...

How to Develop Rock Solid Client Service

Ensuring you deliver rock solid client service is key to your future. If your business is not...

Why Mergers Fail

Mergers go on all the time. It’s part of normal business. (see
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